Tech. in London

Tech. in London

This event brings together retailers, tech suppliers, start-ups, investors and analysts for 2 days of conferences.
OneStock at the Showcase Evening by PwC

OneStock at the Showcase Evening by PwC

For this amazing evening, all the companies from the cohort will be there: OneStock but also MishiPay, SenstiSum, CyNation, Proximity Insight, Rais, NeuroFlash, Ksubaka and Segmentify.
PWC - 2nd Place - Value Proposition

PWC - 2nd Place - Value Proposition

OneStock has been proud to be awarded 2nd place Best Value Proposition during the last Scale | Commerce 2.0 executive evening !
OneStock selected by PWC

OneStock selected by PWC

OneStock is proud to announce that we’ve been selected for the Scale | Commerce 2.0 PWC programme.
The UK - France Retail night

The UK - France Retail night

Following the RBTE event, a party, organised by Business France and dedicated to British & French retailers, will be held on Wednesday, May 2nd at the French Institut: CMO, CDO, CTO, CIO, Omnichannel...
Retail Business Technology in London

Retail Business Technology in London

A must-attend event for omnichannel retailers For two days nearly 400 exhibitors will be in London to showcase the latest innovations in e-commerce, payments, marketing and supply chain retailing.
The Drapers Digital Festival

The Drapers Digital Festival

The Drapers Digital Festival is the world’s largest gathering of fashion ecommerce and digital professionals. Over 700 visitors are expected.
OneStock made headlines in Essential Retail

OneStock made headlines in Essential Retail

A little while ago, Mike Smee, Devatics Business Development Manager in the UK wrote an article about the best solution to the “Out of Stock” crisis, which is to simply aggregate stock pools across...

